Bibliographie Psychomotricité C. Bellu

Actu Bannière

Altenmueller E., Wiesendanger M. and Kesselring J., edited by, Music, motor control and the brain, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006

Berti A. E., Bombi A. S., Corso di psicologia dello sviluppo : dalla nascita all’adolescenza, Il Mulino, Bologna 2005

Burton A. W. with Miller D. E., Movement Skill Assessment, Human Kinetics, Champaign, Illinois, 1998

Conable B., What every musician needs to know about the body : the practical application of body mapping to making music, Andover Press, Portland, 1998

Craig, Lo sviluppo umano, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1982, pp. 121‐122

Durand M., L’enfant et le sport, Collection QUADRIGE, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1987

Gardner H., Multiple intelligences new horizons, Basic Books, New York 2006

Gordon E., Learning sequences in music (2007) GIA Publications

Gordon, E., Primary Measures of Music Audiation, GIA Publications, Inc. Chicago, Ill, 1979

Gordon, E., Intermediate Measures of Music Audiation, GIA Publications, Inc. Chicago, Ill, 1986

Haywood K. M., Life span motor development, Humand Kinetic Publishers Inc., Champaign, Illinos, 1986

Largo & al. (edited by), Zürcher Neuromotorik, AWE Verlag, Zürich, 2002

Nuti G., Le corps qui pense, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2006

Pélicier Z., (sous la direction de) Le développement psychologique normal, la vie psychologique pathologique in Univers de la psychologie, Lidis, Paris, 1977

Rigal R., Motricité humaine, Presses de l’UniversiteÅL du Quebec, ? , 2002

Rondal J‐A et Hurtig M. (sous la direction de), Introduction è la psychologie de l’enfant, Margada, Liège, ?

Tafuri J., (a cura di) Didattica della musica e percezione musicale, Bologna, Zanichelli, 1991

Tafuri J., Nascere musicali, EDT, Torino 2007 (con CD).

Thomas, R., L’apprentissage moteur, Que sais‐je? Presse Universitaires de France, Paris, 1997

Vianello R., Psicologia dello sviluppo, Junior, Azzano San Paolo (BG), 1998

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